High quality oil coolers for your Harley Davidson motorcycle
Consider the benefits of having an oil cooler installed!

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- Harley Davidson motorcycles are air cooler and get H-O-T!!!! -

Anyone who has had a Harley Davidson motorcycle for any length of time knows that they
get hot and start running poorly when you're stuck in traffic and/or riding on very hot
days. Being an air cooled engine, Harley Davidsons can benefit greatly by the use of
a full synthetic oil, which is an inexpensive and easy way to drop your oil temperature
a few degrees.

A very important (in our opinion) performance upgrade would be the addition of a high
quality oil cooler. You spent thousands of bucks on chrome in order to make your
Harley look unique... but no motorcycle looks cool when it's broken down on the
side of the road! A few bucks invested in a good oil cooler will pay off
in years of trouble free service. We have several products that will work well and
look good on your bike.

Consider having us install an oil cooler on your Harley Davidson.


Schedule a no obligation FREE oil analysis appointment


What does "Express oil change" mean?

We don't believe that nickel-and-diming customers is the way to build a business.
If you need "something special", a drain plug washer or whatever, you'll still be out
the door with a smile for something very close to these advertised prices.

If you're not totally happy, you won't come back and you won't recommend us to your friends.
"Doing The Right Thing" is good for you and it's good for us!

We will change your old oil FAST and for a lot less dough than you'd pay most anywhere else!
All of our lubricants meet and usually far exceed Manufacturer's recommendations.

We will also change rear gear oil, primary oil and most any other lubricant you have
in your motorcycle (FAST!), at VERY competitive prices!

If you are running extended drain interval oils or just want to know the condition of
the oil that's currently in your bike, drop by for a free, no obligation analysis!

Need Motorcycle oil? Click the link below


Do you have a Suzuki Boulevard?

YES! We do Yamaha VStar oil changes!

YES! We do SCOOTER oil changes!

LAWNMOWERS and small engines need love too!

Appointments are appreciated but are not at all required
NOSPAM_2011 .at. MotoExpresslube


Copyright 1990-2011
MOTO ExpressLube, Portland, Oregon
Motorcycle Express Lubrication Service Company
All rights reserved - may not be copied without permission