Motorcycle "While You Wait" Lubrication Service
Motorcycle Oil Analysis Service
Beaverton, Oregon

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To promote our business, we are offering a FREE, no obligation oil screening
analysis "while you wait". Even if you change your oil often and use the highest
quality lubricants, you can still benefit from having an impartial party look at
your oil once in a while.

If you don't want and/or don't need a fluid change, no worries. There is absolutely
no obligation or any heavy handed sales pitches here! We'll simply show you the
current condition of your oil and let you decide if you are still good to go for a few
more miles.

If you want your oil changed, we can do it quickly and a lot faster and less
expensively than going to a Dealership. But if you want to have your Dealer do the
work anyway, no sweat. Just please remember us to your friends.

Click the link above the mailbox icon (you need to have javascript enabled) to send
us a no obligation scheduling request. Please tell us the year and make of your bike
and when you'd like to come by. If it turns out to be raining on the day you've
chosen and don't want to get your bike (or yourself) all wet, just let us know and
we'll see you on another day. Unlike most shops and Dealerships, we are here to
accommodate your schedule, not the other way around!

Naturally, we only need to see the oil and not your bike if all you want is a FREE
oil analysis report. You're more than welcome to draw a small sample of lubricant
(motor oil, transmission, gear case) from your bike and bring just that by. If you
like us and our service, we figure we'll get to see your bike soon enough.

You no longer have to pay well over $100 bucks for an oil change
and blow half a day waiting for the work to be done!!!!!

We will do a fairly comprehensive oil analysis screening, while you wait, at no extra charge.
If you need something more in-depth, we can send it off to the lab for a nominal fee.


The above prices apply to most motorcycles. If you have a Yamaha V-star or something
else that requires major surgery to perform an oil change (you know who you are), our
shop rate is $60/Hr in 15 minute increments. If we have to pull your exhaust or whatever
to get the oil filter out, there will be an up-charge for the additional labor (and parts,
if needed) to do this extra service work. We will be very fair with you in our pricing.
But fairness flows both ways. We expect customers who know they own a poorly designed
(i.e. designed to discourage D.I.Y. maintenance) motorcycles to be fair with us as well.

What does "Express oil change" mean?

We stock most popular, high quality lubricants. There may be a small up-charge for using
your brand choice instead of our very good "House" brand. Note that prices may vary
slightly based on your particular bike but these are not "teaser" or "bait and switch" prices....
If you need "something special", a drain plug washer or whatever, you'll still be out
the door with a smile for something very close to these advertised prices.

If you're not totally happy, you won't come back and you won't recommend us to your friends.
"Doing The Right Thing" is good for you and it's good for us!

We will change your old oil FAST and for a lot less dough than you'd pay most anywhere else!
All of our lubricants meet and usually far exceed Manufacturer's recommendations.

We will also change rear gear oil, primary oil and most any other lubricant you have
in your motorcycle (FAST!), at VERY competitive prices!

If you are running extended drain interval oils or just want to know the condition of
the oil that's currently in your bike, drop by for a free, no obligation analysis!

Need Motorcycle oil? Click the link below


Copyright 1990-2011
MOTO ExpressLube, Portland, Oregon
Motorcycle Express Lubrication Service Company
All rights reserved - may not be copied without permission